Key Largo is a popular vacation destination located in the Florida Keys. Known for its crystal clear waters, abundant marine life, and scenic views.
Key Largo is also known as “The Dive Capital of the World,” Key Largo is one of those places that makes you pinch yourself because when you’re there, you’re sure you’re dreaming. Not only is the area ridiculously beautiful with pristine beaches, crystalline water and lush mangrove forests, there are also a plethora of activities. From diving to snorkeling, swimming, kayaking or deep sea fishing, you’ll never be bored in this tropical paradise.
Catch a Big One!
Experience a fishing adventure of a lifetime. Climb aboard one of Fins & Feathers Charter boats and head out to the deep blue waters to try your hand at reeling in a sailfish, swordfish, marlin, tuna, snapper or a wahoo. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned fishing pro or complete novice, the guys at Fins & Feathers will make you feel comfortable and give you all the help you require so your time out at sea is a blast.
Fins and Feather Charter Boat
An Underwater Adventure Awaits
Since Key Largo is “The Dive Capital of the World,” it’d be crazy for you not to head underwater. Horizon Divers offers diving and snorkeling classes for divers of any skill (or no skill at all). No matter what level you’re at, you will surely thrill at getting up close to all kinds of underwater life that live among the reefs, as well as exploring sunken vessels that lay on the ocean floor. Horizon Divers is a certified PADI and TDI dive center that offers freshwater rinse stations, gear rentals and personal storage. The staff is committed to your personal safety and enjoyment at every turn.
Horizon Divers Keys
Experience a Dolphin Encounter of a Lifetime
Take your family and head for swim with dolphins in Florida Keys, a marine education and dolphin swim facility. Dolphin encounters here are like no other. You’ll swim with them in a natural lagoon that is close to the Florida Bay and Atlantic Ocean. You can either have a structured hands-on swim in shallow water, or snorkel freely alongside them out in the open water. Either way you go, you’re sure to create memories that will last a lifetime.
Swim with Dolphins Florida Keys
Have a Wild Time with Some Pretty Awesome Birds
The Florida Keys Wild Bird Center is on a mission, and that is to rescue, rehabilitate and release native and migratory birds that have been harmed or displaced, as well as to provide a humane shelter for those birds not able to be released. The Center also educates the public on the importance of respecting all wild bird species. Time spent at the FKWBC is both thrilling and rewarding as you’re able to get up close to some of the most beautiful and interesting birds like ospreys, frigatebirds, laughing gulls, pelicans, screech owls, great white herons and double crested cormorants.
Wild Bird Center Keys
As Close to Flying as You’ll Ever Get
Speaking of birds, get a bird’s eye view of the beautiful ocean, and maybe even see some dolphins frolicking offshore, as you soar high above on your solo or tandem parasailing adventure. Head to Caribbean Watersports which offers some of the best sky-soaring flights available in the Keys. The company has been in business for over 20 years and their captains are PAPO certified. And the best part is, you take off in the boat… you land in the boat, so you never have to get wet. This is good for those of you with hairdos that cringe at the very sight of water.
With so much natural beauty and so many incredible attractions available, you’ll find leaving this slice of paradise harder than you thought.
Enjoy and God Bless,
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